The Working performance of crusher
In the past cases, we've learnt that crusher usually works under the condition of heavy load or in the dusty environment. So to make sure the safety and reliability of crusher when it works, every crusher must meet the following requirment:
(1)In tranmission device, inlet and outlet of crusher,the installation of safety protection device is very important;
(2)Crusher must have stable anti-dust device and dust removal device;
(3)The installation of simple but effective device is very necessary for crusher;
(4)The structure of crusher should make sure that the worn-out parts, especially for the vulnerable part. China Juxin crusher has these parts:the number is as less as possible, the weight is as light as possible, and the shape can be manufactured and maintainced as easily as possible;
(5)Crusher should consist of the device which can change the crushing ratio quickly and easily, we also call it "the adjustable device" of the outlet;
(6)The diameter of raw materials must be less 10-20% than the inlet of crusher. And China Juxin crusher is charging in and out continuously.
The crushing efficiency of crusher is based on the energy consumption, that's to say, the tunnage of crushed materials will be handle by the 1kw/h energy; however, there are another way of saying.