How much is the 3.2m*13m ball mill?
Ball mill as the most extensive fine grinding equipment today, it plays an important role in power grinding in the ore dressing plant and coal plant, cement plant, admixture cement grinding, ceramic and glass industry raw material grinding field. Under the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection in economic development today, ball mill still occupy a place.
Now we will explain the 3.2m*13m rice mill for you: First of all, what’s the specification of this ball mill? It’s 3.2m x 13 m. We can know that the device’s the inner diameter of the cylinder body is 3.2 meters, 13 meters is on behalf of the tube length. If some display the name of cement mill is Sancang, this time you can know that it requirements for the three positions in the mill structure.
What kinds of the 3.2m*13m ball mill are divided into?
According to in grinding medium is steel or steel forging, 3.2m*13m mill can be divided for ball mill and roller mill; for unloading, there are two ways- Center discharge and middle unloading, center unloading is divided into: overflow type ball mill and grid ball mill; according to supporting points for the spindle bearing and sliding shoe support; by mode of transmission it, can be divided into edge transmission ball mill and central transmission ball mill.
Each ball mill has its own advantages and disadvantages, Juxin machinery 3.2m*13m can according to customer's specific requirements and the actual condition, we will provide reasonable optimal configuration for customers. If you have quotation and technical problems, please click on the right side of the online customer service, we wholeheartedly for your service!